Trying to get your head around the clothing sizes of the opposite gender can often be tricky. Especially if you’re trying to buy someone a gift, how are you supposed to know if he/she is a small, medium or large?

Is she a 6, 8, 10, 12,14, 16? Why are there so many? How big is his neck? Why are the buttons the other way around? You find yourself surrounded by clothing desperately wondering ‘What does it mean?!?!’

(A word of advice, buy a size small and keep the receipt. It’ a compliment, right?)

Benjamin Ashton Cooper recently took to the internet to vent his frustration about women’s sizes, but not because he just couldn’t figure out which size to buy – because he tried on his girlfriends ‘XL’ clothes, and they fit him.

Just to clarify, the reason this was surprising is because he wears a men’s size ‘Small’.

In his post he explained (Warning: it’s a bit sweary):

“I am not an extra large man, and, more importantly, a woman my size is NOT an extra large woman. This bullsh*t right here is why we have 8 year olds with eating disorders. This sh*t right here is why men shout “f*cking fat hog!” at even nominally curvy girls on the street. This is why men who think sexism is a “myth” perpetuated by liberal p*ssies are Full. Of. Sh*t.

F*ck body shaming. #EndBodyShaming.”

See his original post here:

His post has been shared over 290,000 times since he posted it last week, so it seems he’s struck a chord with people. The comments section is filled with people agreeing with what he has to say.

One person disagreed with him, but Benjamin was quick to put him right:

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

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